Although I was born in Montreal, my parents moved to Victoria in 1961 when I was a toddler (notice how I didn't give up my exact age? Sort of like the Oil of Olay commercial - you have to guess). We rented a house with the easiest address in the world - 1234 Beach Drive. In 1965 my folks bought a patch of earth on the top of Mt. Tolmie and built a house where they still live today. I started off at Uplands Elementary and then in Grade 7 I moved onto St Michaels. I had a great 6 years at that school with some of those teachers being more influential than those I encountered at University. I graduated from McGill University with a BA in Economics. I immediately applied my degree to the art of bagel making. In 1982 I teamed up with a friend and started Benny's Bagels in Market Square. What began as a 2 year endeavour ended up consuming our lives and over the next ten years we expanded the business to include Vancouver.